[Blu-Ray Review] ‘The Flash: The Complete Second Season’: Now Available On Blu-ray & DVD From DC Comics & Warner Bros

[Blu-Ray Review] ‘The Flash: The Complete Second Season’: Now Available On Blu-ray & DVD From DC Comics & Warner Bros 2

The.Flash.Season.2-Blu-ray.CoverThe Flash: The Complete Second Season [Blu-Ray] amazon-cart-logo

Cast: Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker

Release Date: September 6, 2016

A Review By: Kevin Lovell

Disc Rating: 9/10



Last season, the S.T.A.R. Labs Particle Accelerator exploded, creating a dark matter storm that struck forensic scientist Barry Allen — bestowing him with super-speed and making him the fastest man alive. But Barry wasn’t the only person who was given extraordinary abilities that night. The dark matter also created meta-humans — many of whom have wreaked havoc on the city. With the help of the S.T.A.R Labs team, Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon and Dr. Harrison Wells, Barry protects the people of Central City from these powerful new threats as The Flash. Following the defeat of Allen’s arch-nemesis Eobard Thawne (aka the Reverse-Flash), Team Flash must quickly turn their attention to the Singularity left swirlinghigh above Central City, consuming everything in its path. Not only is the Singularity threatening the city with impending doom, but it’s also opened up a gateway to a parallel universe – a world where Barry Allen may not be the fastest man alive; but instead an unstoppable villain known as Zoom.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Warner Bros. Home Entertainment provided me with a free copy of the Blu-ray I reviewed in this Post. The opinions I share are my own.


The second season of ‘The Flash’ picks up with the fallout of last season’s finale resulting in the revelation of the multiverse and the knowledge that the Earth Barry and his friends occupy is only one among many. In addition to coping with this monumental revelation, numerous inhabitants of what they have dubbed Earth-2 also seem to have found their way to the earth of our heroes and many appear intent on killing The Flash. As friends and foes alike are brought into the mix from this strange alternate world, the revelation of a terrifying new speedster named Zoom from Earth-2 appears to have his sights set on Flash and doesn’t have any intention of relenting until he is dead, therefore unequivocally leaving him the fastest man alive.


The sophomore season of ‘The Flash’ takes things to another level (and world) and increases the action, heart and the overall spectacle drastically, introducing us to some notable new baddies including some impressive and new entries such as the massive King Shark, more of the always fantastic Grodd and plenty more. Even with the increase in the extravagance of the show, the creators never sacrifice the heart and emotion for more explosive nonsense we are unable to relate to; if anything only increasing the emotional intensity and overall passion the series exudes right alongside the action and the end result is a wildly entertaining and fantastic second season that is only superior to the already phenomenal debut season of the series, easily putting the latest television adaption of ‘The Flash’ on the map as one of the best comic book series in some time, and amazingly it only continues to improve upon itself. Fans of the first season definitely won’t be disappointed with this insanely fun sophomore run and if you haven’t yet had the opportunity to check it out you’ll want to be sure and get on that as soon as possible.


Fellow fans of the DC Comics Television Universe as a whole and ‘The Flash’ in particular will likely want to make sure to pick up a copy of ‘The Flash: The Complete Second Season’ on Blu-ray to add to their collection. The Blu-ray release of the sophomore season once again delivers gorgeous high definition video and audio presentations on every episode in the season, along with hours of enjoyable bonus content including ‘Deleted Scene(s)’ from a number of episodes, a look at the show’s ‘Visual Effects’ and a whole lot more (more detailed information regarding the bonus content can be found in the special features section of the technical specification coverage below), altogether certain to make this release a definite must own for many of the fans.


Overall, fellow fans of both the DC Comics TV Universe in general and/or ‘The Flash’ itself will definitely want to consider picking up a copy of ‘The Flash: The Complete Second Season’ on Blu-ray in order to relive the outstanding and wildly entertaining second season time and again in gorgeous quality, not to mention the multiple hours of great extras also included on the set. Those who enjoyed the first season yet haven’t had the opportunity to check out the second will want to make sure to do so as soon as possible, and any DC Comics fan who hasn’t had the pleasure of this marvelous series whatsoever will definitely want to consider promptly rectifying that, it’s not to be missed.



The Blu-ray release of ‘The Flash: The Complete Second Season’ features a full 1080p High Definition presentation utilizing the show’s original 1.78:1 Aspect Ratio on all of the second season’s episodes. The video presentations look fantastic as a whole and deliver consistently sharp and detailed presentations on every episode with no notable faults to be found within. They hold up impressively even during the numerous darkly lit and/or fast moving sequences which are quite frequent within the show, never resulting in anything occurring on screen to ever become negatively affected or rendered indiscernible. Overall, these are pretty wonderful high definition video presentations that should easily please the majority of fans.


The Blu-ray release features a lossless 5.1 channel DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack on all 23 Season Two episodes. These lossless multichannel soundtracks provide clean, crisp and notably aggressive audio presentations on every episode of the sophomore season. Frequently utilizing all five available channels in order to send a barrage of action related auditory effects including weapon blasts, and of course our hero in red whipping throughout the various speakers along with more, while never causing any dialogue which may be occurring simultaneously to become distorted or rendered inaudible. Overall, these are outstanding 5.1 channel DTS-HD MA soundtracks that contribute another massive layer of fun to the overall viewing experience of this wildly entertaining series.


The Blu-ray release of ‘The Flash: The Complete Second Season’ is jam-packed with hours of great extras. Included on the release are ‘Deleted Scene(s)’ for 11 Season Two episodes, in addition to a collection of inside looks at the series’ effects with ‘The Flash: Visual Effects’ which includes the following installments spread between the set: ‘Follow The Flash in 360’ (running approximately 2 minutes), ‘Earth-2’ (approximately 3 minutes), ‘A Closer Look’ (3 Minutes), ‘Sticky Situations’ (2 minutes), ‘Superheroes and Villains’ (3 minutes), and ‘Everything Falls Apart’ (3 minutes). We are also treated to numerous brand new Behind the Scenes Featurettes that explore various aspects of the season and include behind the scenes footage, interviews/comments with the cast and crew, plus more. The included Featurettes are: ‘Chasing Flash: The Journey of Kevin Smith’ (approximately 52 minutes), ‘Barry and Iris: New Beginnings!’ (8 minutes), ‘Whose Helmet Was That?’ (4 minutes), ‘Rogues Gallery: One Cold Father, The Lewis Snart Story’ (4 minutes), ‘Heart and Heat: The Story of Firestorm’ (5 minutes), ‘Cutting Teeth: The Flash vs. King Shark (5 minutes), ‘The Power of Dr. Light’ (6 minutes), ‘Into the Breach: Designing Earth-2’ (5 minutes), ‘Behind the Story: The Chemistry of Emily and Grant Screen Test’ (7 minutes), ‘Grodd Lives!’ (7 minutes), ‘Christmas in a Flash’ (5 minutes), and ‘The Many Faces of Zoom’ (6 minutes). A second season ‘Gag Reel’ (12 minutes), as well as ‘The Flash: 2015 Comic-Con Panel’ (15 minutes), and the ‘2015 PaleyFest’ (30 minutes) event are also included. Two additional Featurettes relating to the Arrow/Flash crossover event, in addition to the pertaining episodes of both ‘Arrow’ and ‘The Flash’ are also featured (please note that all three of these extras are also included on the ‘Arrow: The Complete Fourth Season’ Blu-ray). The two related Featurettes are: ‘Star Crossed Hawks’ (11 minutes), and ‘Star Crossed Hawks: The Hunt for Vandal Savage’ (11 minutes).


*Please note that the above images are taken from the Blu-Ray and resized. They additionally will suffer quality loss as a result of .jpg compression. Larger versions of each image can be viewed by clicking on the image. All images and content included on this Blu-Ray release are the property of their respective owners.

Disc Rating: 9/10

‘The Flash: The Complete Second Season’; Now Available on Blu-ray & DVD from DC Comics & Warner Bros Home Entertainment

Purchase your copy today by clicking on the Amazon Cart Icon immediately below!


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