[GIVEAWAY] Win ‘The Walking Dead: The Complete Sixth Season’ On Blu-ray: Available On Blu-ray & DVD August 23, 2016 From Anchor Bay

The.Walking.Dead.Season.6-Blu-ray.Cover-SideWe are working with Anchor Bay Entertainment in order to offer two of our lucky readers the opportunity to win a copy of ‘The Walking Dead: The Complete Sixth Season’ on Blu-ray. Hit the jump for the simple instructions on how you can enter for your chance to win.

Courtesy of Anchor Bay Entertainment, we have two (2) copies of ‘The Walking Dead: The Complete Sixth Season’ on Blu-ray to give away to our readers. Winners will be  will be contacted via email after the entry deadline at which point the Blu-ray’s will be shipped to the winners directly from the studio. Just follow the two simple steps listed below in order to enter the giveaway for your chance to win and good luck!:

PLEASE NOTE: The Deadline for entering is Wednesday, August 24, 2016! No entries submitted after August 24 will be accepted and only US residents are eligible to win. The Blu-ray’s can NOT be shipped to P.O. box addresses.


Simply send an email to giveaway@screen-connections.com with the header/topic ‘TWD’ and in the body simply put ‘Enter’


Do any one of the following three options:

A. Like our Facebook page and the giveaway post (or any post) pinned to the top of the page

B. Follow us on Twitter and favorite the giveaway post (or any recent post) on there

C. Sound off in the comments below telling us who your favorite character is on ‘The Walking Dead’ and/or why you love the show! (Please try to avoid spoilers & Remember, there are never any wrong answers)


‘The Walking Dead: The Complete Sixth Season’ Arrives On Blu-ray & DVD August 23, 2016 From Anchor Bay Entertainment.




6 thoughts on “[GIVEAWAY] Win ‘The Walking Dead: The Complete Sixth Season’ On Blu-ray: Available On Blu-ray & DVD August 23, 2016 From Anchor Bay

  1. My favorite character is Daryl, no it isn’t just because he is good looking…I mean he is…But the reason I love Daryl is who he is as a person he is such a good person and I love how through the seasons they have shown that more. He has a hard shell but when you get inside he’s soft and warm ;)

  2. It is incredibly difficult to pick just a single character, because once you watch this show for awhile it is easy to become emotionally invested into each character from the group and their unique individual story. I believe of everyone though, I have admired watching the transformation of Rick throughout the seasons. Rick has displayed qualities of being transparent to Hershel and his beliefs, but has also shown parallel qualities in comparison to Shane. To me, Rick has become a blend of both characters,flip flopping between the two often- not trusting most people at first, and will keep his people safe without hesitation but is still a good hearted person to the one’s he truly cares about. Rick has been through a lot but has stood tall and strong as a leader to his group and has always put himself at the forefront to ensure his people are in good position to survive, be strong, and be wise. Rick is an exciting character to watch, you may never know which side at any point you are going to endure, but the moments he has provided are always memorable. Rick brings so much excitement and encouragement of strength to the show, with everything on the horizon with the show with Negan and the Saviors.. just as Abraham said before, “The new world’s gonna need Rick Grimes”

  3. My vote has gotta go for good ‘ol Glenn. Why?

    A. In the early seasons, his goofy and sweet nature provided a much-needed comic relief for the show.

    B. Glenn ends up with Maggie! That’s instant hope for all us goofballs out there!

    C. That zombie-bone shiv he used when he was held captive back in Woodbury. That was some Macgyver kind of thinking there!

    D. From Tara, to Nicholas, to even Daryl in the early seasons, he sees the good in people and gives them second chances. While sometimes this doesn’t work out well (Nicholas), other times, it helps to solidify bonds with members who become family to him.

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